
Tina Kansy


• born 1968
• Mother of two young adult children
• Psychologist (M.Sc.)
• Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy
• Several years of work in psychosomatic rehabilitation and acute clinics (psychosocial counseling, mindfulness therapy)
• Mindfulness Teacher (MBSR) and member of the MBSR/MBCT Association
• Trainer for The Way of Council (Nonviolent Communication),
Trained by Virginia Coyle (USA), longtime active member of the European Council Network (ECN)
• trained in nature-oriented initiatic process support and vision quest leadership at the Eschwege Institute in the tradition of the School of Lost Borders (USA), member of the German-speaking vision quest leader network
• Trainer basic exercises of strength (Quan Dao KungFu)
• advanced training in movement and dance therapy
• Further training in trauma therapy
• Many years of practice of meditation, meditative dance, yoga and kung fu
• Organic farmer
• Landscape planner (Dipl.Ing.)
• My greatest teacher is and remains nature itself