On this page you will find the topics that move me, that are close to my heart and that can be found in different forms in my offers. These are topics that for me concern essential aspects of a transformation of our western society towards a caring way of life for the next generations, our natural environment and our planet, Mother Earth, herself.
Mindfulness, relationship with nature & sustainability
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indigenous wisdom
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Decolonization of the sustainability discourse
This content is in progress. Check back soon.
proper rights of nature
The concept of „proper rights of nature“ is a jurisprudential system that sees and treats ecosystems or species as distinct entities that have basic inherent rights similar to fundamental human rights, rather than treating them as property to be owned, used, exploited at will or can be demoted.
Breaking through the limitations of our current human-centric legal system and respecting and empowering the intrinsic rights of nature is one of the most transformative and influential actions humanity can take to enable an environmentally sustainable future for all.